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'See more, hear more, love more, illuminate more, be more, do less’
Ubuntu Mantra




Supporting leaders to harness their potential through innovation and cultural lenses


A safer and more equal world. A world that breaths in silence and breaths out compassion


Hi! I am Dorcas Gwata,
a Zimbabwean-British global health consultant, executive coach and writer.

I have a background in public health with focus on trauma and mental health. I have worked extensively in the NHS and for the Office of Mayor of London supporting young people and families who are affected by youth violence, knife crime, exploitation and poor mental health.

I have the unique ability to embody two different spaces which I am highly passionate about, the UK and Sub-Sahara Africa. As a neuro-diverse mental health specialist I am uniquely placed to engage with communities, many of whom are socially excluded and highly stigmatised.


I am a transformational coach with specialism in individual and organisation development, youth violence and exploitation, racial trauma, conflict resolution, climate and environmental solutions. My coaching practice is embedded in
mindfulness, cultural intelligence and the power of silence.


My book ‘Street Clinic’ published by Picador – MacMillan is due out in early 2025.

Meet Dorcas
Why Chaka Academy

Why choose Chaka Academy?

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Executive Coaching

I am transformative coach, I use Ubuntu African philosophes to explore individual’s full potential. I help executives to see more, hear more, illuminate more and do less so that they can bring out the best in their teams and organisations.

Trauma-based training

I am a specialist mental health trainer with extensive global experience, I offer training in non-communicable diseases, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis,
youth violence and exploitation, substance misuse and safeguarding.


I am global health consultant with specialist skills in health partnership, health systems strengthening, diaspora engagement, workforce health, and planetary health. I am an experienced keynote speaker, speaking to current and historical context, always pushing boundaries.

Conservation &
climate change

I am a descendent of the Shona and Tonga people, I grew up in rural fertile farmlands in Zimbabwe, My passion for wildlife and conservation stems from early years, swimming in local rivers and camping along the Zambezi river. I can help you and your organise to think through strategies to safeguard vulnerable indigenous communities whilst protecting our precious planet.

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‘Dorcas is a mentor I didn’t know I needed. She motivated me, pushed and believed in my ability as a professional individual to harness my skills to be the best of myself.

She opened my eyes to what was possible outside of my degree, inspiring me to dream bigger and pursue my dreams.

I look up to her as she’s accomplished so much, and her work is astounding, constantly giving back to young people.

She is always sure to utilise the skills of the younger generation to encourage and support them in their career journey’

— Dr Mercy Olawuni



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